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ARCH 901 Design Studio VI – Urban Design and Landscaping
Course Outline
This design studio deals with Large-scale projects, within larger urban contexts: either within existing cities or within new cities in arid zones that- in turn- fit within larger urban and regional planning schemes. Students are required to design projects, which are multi-functional and multifaceted, covering many dimensions and focusing on contemporary urban design and landscaping theories, movements and technologies, while applying the principles of sustainable development. Students work individually on their projects throughout concept design and design development, using up-to-date knowledge for design creation, expression and interpretation.
ARCH 902 Design Studio VI – Working Drawings
Course Outline
This design studio is closely related to “ARCH 901 Design Studio VI”. It is the implementation of the urban design and landscaping project. Students are required to carry out the working drawings and construction documents of the whole project or of a specific part depending on the situation. Students work individually on their projects throughout all design stages: concept design, design development, construction drawings (including detailing up to a scale of 1:1) and tender documents, including bills of quantities and specifications, as well as implementation methods, using up-todate knowledge for design creation, expression and interpretation.
ARCH 903 Sustainable Urban Development
Course Outline
This seminar explores contemporary methodologies for a sustainable urban development, their applicability, as well as monitoring and evaluation tools. Based on an introduction to complex systems and an interdisciplinary approach to planning current projects will be investigated. The seminar will also be informed by the content and topics being pursued in the design studio. Students will work on a formulation of sustainability criteria and a processbased outline for their own design projects based on the theories and methodologies studied in the seminar.
ARCH 900 Elective Seminar I
List of Elective Courses:
o History of international and modern Architecture
o Economics and Feasibility Studies
o Environmental Impact Assessment I, II
o Special Programs and Strategies (Low cost housing, preservation of historical monuments) I, II
o Architectural Criticism
o Quality Control Systems
o Methods of Value Engineering
o Theory, planning and Design methods of Landscaping
o Regional Landscape Planning
o Natural Protectorates and National Parks
o Architecture, Design Guidelines, New Cities
o Architecture and City Branding
o Sustainable Urban Development
o Urban renewal and Urban reconstruction
o Statistics and Quantitative Methods
o Market Analysis for Real Estate Development
o Advanced Urban Economics
o Participatory Methods in Planning
o Strategic Planning
o International Urban Design
o Theories and Methodologies of City Planning
o Public Building Design: Theories and Methodologies
o Residential Building Design: Theories and Methodologies
o Building Reuse
BTECH 901 Design Studio VI - Architecture
Course Outline
This design studio concentrates on the design of a specific building typology, in this case: public buildings within larger urban contexts, either in existing cities or in new cities in arid zones. Students are required to design projects, which are multi-functional and multi-faceted, covering many dimensions and focusing on principles of sustainable design, as well as contemporary architecture theories, movements and technologies.
BTECH 902 Design Studio VI – Working Drawings
Course Outline
This design studio is closely related to “BTECH 901 Design Studio VI”. It is the implementation of the architectural design project. Students are required to carry out the working drawings and construction documents of the public
building. Students work individually on their projects throughout all design stages: concept design, design development, construction drawings (including building elements detailing up to a scale of 1:1) and tender documents, including bills of quantities and specifications, as well as implementation methods, using up-to-date knowledge for design creation, expression and interpretation. The project is multi-disciplinary and the students focus on the coordination between the architectural design and the engineering design of the building.
BTECH 903 Sustainable Building
Course Outline
Sustainability is an overarching term that may have many interpretations. The dfferent definitions, however, stress on achieving balance between three main pillars social, economic, and environmental aspects. Sustainable Building involves investigating and critically analysing the different terminologies of sustainability and sustainable building, in an attempt to reach a more comprehensive definition in light of architectural education. This will involve the implementation of the different sustainability concepts from project inception to completion and handing over. This involves the interaction of students with the construction industry professionals and supply chain firms; and the application of concepts to real life case studies. Students will work in groups to analyse a number of case studies and build a portfolio of a number of distinguished buildings in Egypt and Worldwide.
BTECH 900 Elective Seminar I
List of Elective Courses:
o Economics and Feasibility Studies
o Environmental Impact Assessment I, II
o Special Programs and Strategies (Low cost housing, preservation of historical monuments) I, II
o Operating and Maintaining Buildings and Urban Settlements
o Construction Project Specifications and Bids
o Techniques of Planning, Scheduling and Control
o Quality Control Systems
o Tenders, Cost Analysis and Contract Management
o Methods of Value Engineering
o Statistics and Quantitative Methods
o Market Analysis for Real Estate Development
o Project Management/ Construction Management
o Advanced Construction Methods
o Façade Engineering
o Light-Weight Structures
o Uses of Renewable Energy
o Detailing methodologies of Building Elements
o Advanced Environmental Control Systems