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ARCH 401 History of Architecture III
Course Outline
The third part of the lectures on History of Architecture provides a critical overview of the Modern Era, starting from the industrial revolution till the Second World War. Architectural buildings are analyzed as a complex summary of technical and constructive solutions and aesthetical/ philosophical contents, both in Europe and in North America. One of the main focuses will be the new urban projects of Cairo and Alexandria during the 19th and 20th centuries and the related architectural constructions. Field excursions will give the students the possibility to learn how to describe and stylistically recognise buildings.
Course Outline
The creation of all types of mesh modelling (compound forms, free forms and others) and their rendering will be exposed. Topics for mesh modelling include: primitive objects, compound objects, all types of modifiers, mesh editing, nurbs and others commands. Topics for 3d rendering include creating and applying maps and realistic textures, lighting principles and techniques, camera types, render types and atmosphere design. Preparing complex forms for 2d fabrication (unfolding, unrolling, tessellations and others) through 3d modelling software.
ARCH 303 Theory of Architecture I
Course Outline
This course aims at introducing theories of architectural design dealing with needs, design goals, design standards, potentials and constraints; in addition to function: anthropometric data, building typologies, service and circulation spaces; horizontal circulation: corridors, lobbies and entrances; vertical circulation: ramps, staircases, lifts and escalators; spatial organization: spatial relationships and spatial continuity. The course also introduces the theories and philosophies of the international styles of the 20th century and the modern movement: the organic theories of Sullivan and Wright; the functional formalism of Le Corbusier; the functional technological theories of the Bauhaus and Gropius; the structuralism of Mies van der Rohe and the expressionism of Mendelsohn.
ARCH 404 Building Technology III
Course Outline
This course introduces advanced construction techniques and building envelope systems with focus on modern sustainable building concepts to provide thermal, acoustical and thermal comfort. The course covers a detailed examination of building technical installations, comprising electrical, mechanical, plumbing systems and includes the analysis of simple case studies, field trips to buildings under construction and design assignments.
ARCH 405 Design Studio II
Course Outline
This design studio requires students to think of architecture from an “outsidein” approach, focusing on form, composition and structure. The main design project of the semester is one of reduced complexity, for example a kindergarten, a primary school, a small apartment building or a gallery function, integrating building design and urban design. Proportion, balance, rhythm, and dynamics are emphasized as compositional elements of spatial design and are used as tools of functional accommodation. Threedimensional models are used as means of design, encouraging students to think spatially. Questions of meaning, message and symbolism are tackled and applied, as ways of developing ideas for architectural form and spacemaking. Advanced and digital presentation techniques are used.
ARCH 406 Concrete Structures Design
Course Outline
Reinforced concrete structures represent a major portion of the construction industry. This course provides the students with the basic knowledge about the choice of the appropriate structural system, design of structural elements under various straining actions, design of concrete slabs, design of beams, design of columns and design of supporting foundation systems. A brief introduction of the geotechnical information, necessary for the foundation design, is also covered.
HUMA 402 German Language IV
German Language I to III
Course Outline
The course offers basic German to beginners with basic previous knowledge
- simple past of the modal verbs: wollen-müssen -dürfen-können -sollen
- conjunctions: wenn, weil, dass
- sub-clauses with present perfect, modal verbs, separable verbs.
- reflexive verbs and reflexive pronouns
- the two-way prepositions:
- an, auf, hinter, in, neben, über, unter, vor, zwischen
- accordingly the dynamic and static verbs: liegen, legen, stehen, stellen, hängen, setzen, sitzen.
- adjective endings in nominative and accusative: with definite and indefinite articles with all nouns gender (masculine, feminin, neutral & plural nouns)
- the interrogative pronoun 'welch-' (which) in nominative and accusative: welcher, welches, welche(f), welche(pl) und welchen
- prepositions with accusative: für, durch, gegen, ohne, um
- in addition to the previous grammar topics of DE101-DE303 (please refer to the course outlines of DE 101-DE 303)
- health and personal well being
- clothes, fashion and shopping
- in addition to the previous DE101-DE404 topics
Vocabulary: Vocabulary lists from chapter 1-11 (active vocab.: bold-faced words; passive vocab. : normal typed words)
HUMA 402 Research Paper Writing
Completion of the courses Academic Study Skills (AS), and Critical Thinking and Scientific Methods (SM)
Course Outline
This course introduces the principles of scientific research. Students learn how to conduct manual and computerized library searches in order to locate relevant, reliable and recent sources. They read, analyze and critique scientific research studies based on the research questions asked and the methodology used. An important component of the course is to write a literature review. Students learn to gather data about a given topic, and then synthesize it in a paper which would show their understanding of what has been discovered as well as their identification of controversial areas which need to be further explored.