8th Semester

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ARCH 801 Internship/ Training (8 weeks)
All students must complete an 8-week internship/ training in one of the following:
1. An architectural design firm
2. A contracting company
3. A construction site
4. A real estate development company
During the training, they should compile a detailed report on all the tasks they carry out daily and at the end, they should document what they learnt from the experience.

ARCH 802 Bachelor Thesis (Project and Repot) – A Selection of Topics (16 weeks)
Course Outline
The thesis consists of a project and a report. Thesis (project and report) topics are provided internally by professors and lecturers of the GUC. Students submit a complete design of a project of high complexity, based on researching the topic problem and concentrating on a specific question. The project is described and communicated clearly through drawings and models (scale is to be determined according to the project type). Students could also use any other medium of communication suitable for architecture. The context of the project should be expressly illustrated, the aims precisely defined, and the design should be based on clear criteria. In addition, students submit a report, explaining theoretically the design of the project and concentrating on the same specific question. The report comprises an introduction, defining the problem (the specific question) and its relevance to the field; the core of the report should have a clear line of thought, illustrating the relation between the problem statement and the way it is approached through the design of the project, clarifying what conclusions have been reached. The report must be in English. All drawings and photos of models must also be included, in a smaller scale, in the report.
