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New urban integraton strategies Patrick Henry Village - Heidelberg

In Academic, Thursday, March 03, 2016

University of Stuttgart - German University of Cairo

Bachelor Thesis - Summer Term 2016

Due to the Syrian war and economic problems in eastern European and African countries, the European Union - and Germany in special - is currently facing one of the biggest refugee crisis in it’s history.

This design project is now trying to take over the contraposition. The general hypothesis behind this concept is, that the concept of Migrant- or Refugee-Cities can work, as the historical examples of the Hugenotten towns in Germany have already shown. It only needs to be done the right way. But how does this right way look like? Which spatial requirements must such a town offer it’s new citizens? How can this succeed, while fulfilling the high standards of a sustainable urban development? To find first exemplary answers to this questions, the Utopia of an international, sustainable “Migrant-City” in the middle of Germany shall be created. Therefore the design  consists of two central elements. A modern Reception Centre and a surrounding mixedused urban development that can become home of an international community, which becomes an integrated and productive part of the German society.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Helmut Bott

Dipl.-Ing. Ina Ketterer

Dipl.-Ing. Raphael Dietz

