Ruairi O’Brien is an associate professor and head of the Visual Design and Presentation department at the German Univeristy in Cairo where he teaches design studios and lighting design. read more
Born in Dublin / Ireland, O’Brien Studied architecture at universities in London, Edinburgh and New York. Following his studies O’Brien worked for design practices in London, New York, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Berlin and Dresden. In 1995 O’Brien set up his own architectural practice: Ruairí O’Brien. Architecture. Light. Spatial Design. This was followed in 2010 by the founding of the lighting design studio: Ruairí O’Brien Lighting Design.
As a practicing architect and lighting designer: O’Brien has executed a large and diverse portfolio of interdisciplinary work in the fields of architecture and urban design. Urban design projects include the renovation and development of heritage protected market squares, design guideline brochures for district and street development, moderating participatory design and development projects, city orientation systems, lighting masterplans, streetscape and building illumination projects. In architecture, projects include heritage building renovations, hospital and school renovations, residential buildings, museums, memorials and exhibitions. In the field of lighting design O’Brien has also designed and built innovative street lighting fixtures and developed a series of lighting sculptures for public space.
As an educator: O’Brien has gained international teaching experience at universities in Germany, Czech Republic, Russia and Syria. During his time as a visiting professor at the University of Wismar in Germany (2001-2005) O’Brien helped initiate the international master’s course in Architectural Lighting Design and was responsible for the programs design studios. O’Brien has given lectures, supervised workshops and organized exhibitions on architecture and lighting design in Japan, the Netherlands, Greece, England, Ireland, Sweden, Finland, Austria, Italy, Latvia and the USA.
As an artist: O’Brien has exhibited his drawings, light sculptures and paintings in London, Berlin, Frankfurt, Leipzig, Chemnitz, Dresden and Cairo.
Research interests: Future architecture. Lighting and the built environment. The development of old and new towns. Microarchitecture. The architecture of museums, memory and heritage. Drawing as architectural communication. The role of the architect in public space. The role of art and architecture in public space.
Membership of Professional associations:
RIBA - Royal Institute of British Architects
AKS - Saxony Chamber of Architects
FILD - Federation of International Lighting Designers-Founding member
LiTG - Deutsche Lichttechnische Gesellschaft – German Society for Lighting Technology
Selected Publications:
O´Brien, R. (2020). Lichtplanung: aktuelle Trends. DAB- Deutsches Architektenblatt 2020, 03/2020, 23–41.
O´Brien, R. (2009). Holistische“ Botschaft: Die Hologramfassade des Stadtspeichers Jena. neuesmuseum die österreiche museumzeitschrift, 08/4, 64–69.
O'Brien, Ruairí. (2008): Intercultural Interpretations: Not Wasting Wasteland, in: Edmondson, R., Rau, H. (Ed.): Environmental Argument and Cultural Difference. Locations, Fractures and Deliberations (pp. 261–287). Peter Lang. ISBN 978-3-03911-062-9
O`Brien, R. (Hrsg.), (2007). „Das Museum im 21st. Jahrhundert“ - Form follows Content – Communication Architecture. (S. 124–178). TUDpress. ISBN 978-3-938863-96-1
O`Brien, R. (2006). Microglobal times – Erich Kästner Museum Dresden, neuesmuseum die österreiche museumzeitschrift, 06/2, 68–78.